semester every semester

时间:2023-05-02 08:19/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 经验 浏览:4482 评论:0


对于所有考四六级英语的非英语专业学生而言,虽然英语终究不过是一门throwaway learning or language(考过或考过了就扔的学习及其语言)。但是,既然在上面耗费过巨量时间精力,同样数量的付出,并不影响我们把英语学成一门可以用英语记英语懂的语言(能力)。


1。学期semester = term

1.Yahoo semester synonym

a half-year term in a school or college, typically lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks, academic year, school year,term,school term.



Okay.Igot you.One semestet is a half-year term in a school or in a college, usually lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks.

When we say a semester,we mean or we can also say one academic year, one school year,one term,or one school term.

Okay.I got you.Semester means academic year, school year,term,or school term.

2。阻止prevent=stop=ban=prohibit sb. from doing sth.5.抗议protest = against = object = remonstrate

1.Yahoo prevent synonym

stop,ban,prohibit someone from doing something.


Okay.I got you.If you say you prevent someone from doing something,you mean or you can also say you stop them,you ban them,or you prohibit them from doing something.

To prevent means To stop,to ban,or to prohibit.
